
  • Líderes mundiais lançam iniciativa massiva de prevenção de doenças

    Líderes mundiais lançam iniciativa massiva de prevenção de doenças

    Uma coligação de líderes mundiais, filantropos e organizações de saúde revelou uma ambiciosa iniciativa de saúde global que visa prevenir e responder rapidamente a doenças infecciosas emergentes. O programa, denominado “Pathogen Preparedness Alliance” (PPA), representa o maior esforço coordenado até à data na construção de resiliência global contra potenciais pandemias. Com um orçamento de 50 mil milhões de dólares para a próxima década, a iniciativa procura abordar as vulnerabilidades expostas pelas recentes crises sanitárias globais e criar um quadro internacional robusto para a vigilância e resposta às doenças.

    No centro do PPA está uma rede de laboratórios de investigação avançada estrategicamente localizados em todo o mundo. Estas instalações centrar-se-ão na identificação e estudo de potenciais agentes patogénicos pandémicos, no desenvolvimento de novas vacinas e tratamentos e na criação de sistemas de alerta precoce para surtos de doenças. A iniciativa inclui também o financiamento para a modernização das infra-estruturas de saúde pública nos países de baixo e médio rendimento, reconhecendo que a segurança sanitária global é tão forte quanto o seu elo mais fraco.

    Uma componente fundamental do programa é a criação de uma base de dados global de agentes patogénicos, que utilizará inteligência artificial e aprendizagem automática para analisar grandes quantidades de dados genómicos e epidemiológicos. Este sistema visa prever potenciais surtos e orientar os esforços de resposta rápida. A PPA irá também investir fortemente no desenvolvimento de tecnologias de plataforma para o rápido desenvolvimento de vacinas, com o objectivo de ser capaz de criar e distribuir novas vacinas no prazo de 100 dias após a identificação de um novo agente patogénico.

    A iniciativa coloca uma forte ênfase na construção de uma força de trabalho global qualificada em cuidados de saúde. Inclui disposições para programas de formação em epidemiologia, virologia e gestão de saúde pública, com especial enfoque na formação em regiões que historicamente têm sido mal servidas. Além disso, o PPA apoiará a criação de uma rede global de profissionais de saúde comunitários para servir de primeira linha de defesa contra as ameaças emergentes à saúde.

    Um dos aspectos mais inovadores do PPA é a sua abordagem ao financiamento e à governação. A iniciativa combina recursos públicos e privados, comprometendo-se os governos com o financiamento sustentado juntamente com contribuições das principais organizações filantrópicas. Uma característica única é a criação de um mercado global de obrigações de segurança sanitária, que permite aos investidores privados apoiar os esforços de preparação para uma pandemia e, ao mesmo tempo, obter potenciais retornos com base em resultados bem-sucedidos.

    O lançamento do PPA foi recebido com ampla aprovação por parte da comunidade internacional de saúde, mas também enfrenta desafios. Os críticos apontam para a necessidade de uma melhor coordenação com as organizações de saúde existentes para evitar a duplicação de esforços. Existem também preocupações em garantir o acesso equitativo aos benefícios do programa, especialmente quando se trata da distribuição de vacinas e tratamentos desenvolvidos através de investigação financiada pelo PPA.

    A iniciativa reacendeu os debates sobre a governação da saúde global e o papel das organizações internacionais na gestão das ameaças sanitárias transfronteiriças. Alguns vêem o PPA como um modelo para futuros esforços colaborativos na abordagem dos desafios globais, enquanto outros se preocupam com o potencial de um programa tão bem financiado ofuscar ou minar as instituições de saúde existentes.

    À medida que a Pathogen Preparedness Alliance inicia o seu trabalho, há um sentimento de urgência impulsionado pelo reconhecimento de que a próxima pandemia poderá estar ao virar da esquina. O sucesso desta ambiciosa iniciativa poderá redefinir a segurança sanitária global para as gerações vindouras, criando um mundo mais bem preparado para enfrentar os desafios sanitários do século XXI. Os olhos do mundo estarão atentos ao desenrolar deste esforço sem precedentes, na esperança de que cumpra a sua promessa de um futuro mais seguro e saudável para todos.

  • Acordo de paz histórico no Médio Oriente põe fim a longo conflito

    Acordo de paz histórico no Médio Oriente põe fim a longo conflito

    Num avanço diplomático histórico, adversários de longa data no Médio Oriente assinaram um acordo de paz abrangente, pondo fim a um dos conflitos mais intratáveis ​​do mundo. O acordo, mediado através de meses de negociações secretas facilitadas por uma coligação de mediadores internacionais, aborda disputas territoriais importantes, acordos de segurança e cooperação económica entre as partes envolvidas. A cerimónia de assinatura, realizada numa capital europeia neutra, contou com a presença de líderes mundiais e foi saudada como um ponto de viragem para a estabilidade regional.

    O acordo descreve uma abordagem faseada para a resolução de reivindicações territoriais, com disposições para trocas de terras e governação partilhada em áreas disputadas. Estabelece ainda um quadro para a normalização gradual das relações entre os signatários, incluindo a abertura de fronteiras, o estabelecimento de laços diplomáticos e a promoção de parcerias económicas. Uma componente vital do acordo é um pacto de segurança mútua, que inclui mecanismos para esforços conjuntos de luta contra o terrorismo e a desmilitarização gradual de regiões fronteiriças sensíveis.

    Um dos aspectos mais significativos do acordo é a sua abordagem para abordar as queixas históricas e promover a reconciliação. O acordo inclui disposições para a criação de uma comissão de verdade e reconciliação, bem como programas de intercâmbio cultural e educação destinados a promover o entendimento entre comunidades há muito divididas pelo conflito. Ambas as partes concordaram em rever os currículos escolares e as narrativas públicas para reflectir uma visão mais equilibrada da complexa história da região.

    As dimensões económicas do acordo de paz geraram um entusiasmo considerável entre os líderes empresariais e os economistas. O acordo inclui planos para projectos conjuntos de infra-estruturas, incluindo o desenvolvimento de recursos hídricos e redes de energia partilhadas. Existem também disposições para a criação de zonas económicas especiais para promover o comércio e o investimento transfronteiriços. As instituições financeiras internacionais prometeram um apoio significativo a estas iniciativas, considerando-as cruciais para a construção de uma paz duradoura através da interdependência económica.

    Embora o acordo tenha sido amplamente celebrado, também enfrenta desafios significativos. As facções de linha dura de ambos os lados denunciaram o acordo como uma traição às suas respetivas causas, e há preocupações sobre potenciais ações de spoiler por parte de grupos extremistas. A implementação do acordo exigirá um compromisso sustentado de todas as partes e um apoio internacional contínuo para ultrapassar décadas de desconfiança e hostilidade.

    O papel das potências regionais e globais na facilitação do acordo tem sido digno de nota. A mudança na dinâmica geopolítica, incluindo a mudança de alianças e as preocupações partilhadas sobre as ameaças emergentes, criaram uma janela de oportunidade para as negociações de paz. Os Estados Unidos, a União Europeia e os principais intervenientes regionais desempenharam papéis cruciais ao trazer as partes à mesa e ao fornecer garantias de segurança para apoiar a implementação do acordo.

    Espera-se que o acordo de paz tenha implicações de longo alcance, para além das partes imediatas envolvidas. Tem potencial para remodelar alianças regionais, abrir novas rotas comerciais e alterar o cálculo estratégico das potências globais com interesses no Médio Oriente. Alguns analistas prevêem que o sucesso deste acordo poderá fornecer um modelo para a resolução de outros conflitos de longa data em todo o mundo.

    À medida que a fase de implementação começa, há um misto de esperança e cautela entre as populações mais afectadas pelo conflito. Anos de violência e iniciativas de paz falhadas deixaram muitos cépticos, mas há também uma sensação palpável de alívio e optimismo quanto às perspectivas de um futuro mais estável e próspero. Os próximos meses e anos serão críticos para determinar se este acordo histórico pode realmente transformar o panorama do Médio Oriente e cumprir a sua promessa de uma paz duradoura.

  • Avanço da computação quântica promete revolução tecnológica

    Avanço da computação quântica promete revolução tecnológica

    Cientistas de um importante instituto de investigação anunciaram um grande avanço na computação quântica, abrindo potencialmente o caminho para uma nova era no poder computacional. A equipa desenvolveu com sucesso um processador quântico estável, capaz de realizar cálculos complexos muito para além do alcance dos supercomputadores tradicionais. Esta conquista representa um marco significativo na busca pela supremacia quântica e pode ter implicações de longo alcance em vários campos, desde a criptografia à descoberta de medicamentos.

    O novo processador quântico, apelidado de “Q-Nexus”, utiliza uma nova abordagem para manter a coerência quântica, o estado delicado necessário para os cálculos quânticos. Ao empregar técnicas avançadas de correção de erros e materiais inovadores, os investigadores conseguiram prolongar o tempo de funcionamento dos qubits – as unidades fundamentais da informação quântica – de meros microssegundos para vários minutos.

    Este tempo de coerência alargado permite a execução de algoritmos quânticos muito mais complexos do que era possível anteriormente.
    Uma das aplicações mais imediatas deste avanço é no campo da criptografia. Há muito que se teoriza que o imenso poder de processamento dos computadores quânticos é capaz de quebrar muitos dos métodos de encriptação actualmente utilizados para proteger as comunicações digitais e as transacções financeiras. Com o advento do Q-Nexus, os especialistas em cibersegurança apelam a uma transição urgente para protocolos de encriptação resistentes ao quantum para proteger a informação sensível.

    O potencial impacto deste avanço da computação quântica vai muito além da criptografia. Na indústria farmacêutica, os investigadores estão entusiasmados com a perspetiva de utilizar simulações quânticas para acelerar a descoberta e o desenvolvimento de medicamentos. A capacidade de modelar interações moleculares complexas a uma escala sem precedentes poderá levar a avanços no tratamento de doenças que há muito escapam às abordagens convencionais. Da mesma forma, os cientistas de materiais prevêem que a computação quântica permitirá a concepção de novos materiais com propriedades extraordinárias, revolucionando potencialmente as indústrias, desde a electrónica à produção de energia.

    No entanto, o rápido progresso na computação quântica também levantou preocupações sobre o seu potencial uso indevido. Alguns especialistas alertam que a tecnologia poderá ser transformada numa arma para criar sistemas de IA altamente sofisticados, capazes de superar o pensamento estratégico humano. Existem também receios sobre as implicações a longo prazo para a privacidade e segurança dos dados num mundo onde os computadores quânticos podem facilmente quebrar os métodos de encriptação atuais.

    A corrida pela supremacia quântica intensificou-se nos últimos anos, com as grandes empresas tecnológicas e os governos nacionais a investirem fortemente na investigação quântica. O anúncio da Q-Nexus provocou ondas de choque na indústria tecnológica, com as empresas concorrentes a lutarem para recuperar o atraso ou estabelecer parcerias com a equipa de investigação. Alguns analistas prevêem que este avanço poderá remodelar o panorama tecnológico global, alterando potencialmente o equilíbrio de poder na economia digital.

    À medida que as implicações deste avanço da computação quântica continuam a revelar-se, os decisores políticos e os líderes da indústria estão a debater-se sobre como aproveitar o seu potencial e, ao mesmo tempo, mitigar os riscos. Há apelos à cooperação internacional para estabelecer orientações para o desenvolvimento e utilização responsável da tecnologia quântica. Alguns defensores estão a pressionar para a criação de um consórcio global de computação quântica para garantir que os benefícios desta tecnologia revolucionária são partilhados de forma equitativa.

    É provável que nos próximos anos se assista a uma aceleração na investigação e desenvolvimento da computação quântica, com potencial para descobertas ainda mais inovadoras. À medida que a tecnologia amadurece, promete abrir novas fronteiras na exploração científica e na inovação tecnológica, inaugurando potencialmente uma nova era de conhecimento e capacidade humana. A revolução quântica, há muito esperada na teoria, parece agora prestes a tornar-se uma realidade transformadora.

  • A escassez global de alimentos aproxima-se à medida que o clima prejudica as culturas

    A escassez global de alimentos aproxima-se à medida que o clima prejudica as culturas

    Eventos climáticos sem precedentes em todo o mundo afectaram gravemente a produção agrícola, levando os especialistas a alertar para uma crise alimentar global iminente. Ondas de calor extremas, secas prolongadas e inundações devastadoras devastaram as terras agrícolas nas principais regiões produtoras de alimentos, causando perdas significativas de culturas e perdas de gado. A situação levantou preocupações sobre a segurança alimentar e a potencial agitação social em áreas vulneráveis.

    Na América do Norte, as regiões produtoras de pão registaram temperaturas recorde e pluviosidade mínima, resultando num atrofiamento das colheitas de milho e soja. O Departamento de Agricultura dos EUA baixou as suas previsões de colheitas, prevendo os rendimentos mais baixos em mais de uma década. Cenários semelhantes estão a ocorrer noutros grandes países produtores de cereais, com a Austrália a enfrentar a pior seca dos últimos séculos e partes da Europa de Leste a braços com inundações que destruíram vastas áreas de terras agrícolas.

    O impacto no abastecimento alimentar mundial já se faz sentir nos mercados internacionais, com os preços das matérias-primas a subirem para novos máximos. Os preços do trigo, do arroz e do milho subiram mais de 40% só no último mês, colocando imensa pressão sobre os países importadores de alimentos. Os países em desenvolvimento, especialmente em África e no Sudeste Asiático, enfrentam a perspectiva de uma grave escassez de alimentos e de potenciais condições de fome.

    As organizações de ajuda internacional estão a dar o alarme, apelando a uma acção imediata para evitar uma catástrofe humanitária. O Programa Alimentar Mundial das Nações Unidas lançou um apelo de emergência por fundos para apoiar as regiões afectadas, alertando que milhões de pessoas correm o risco de sofrer de fome aguda. Contudo, os próprios países doadores tradicionais estão a debater-se com preocupações internas de segurança alimentar, o que complica os esforços de ajuda.

    A crise provocou um intenso debate sobre a sustentabilidade a longo prazo das actuais práticas agrícolas face às alterações climáticas. Os activistas ambientais defendem que a situação sublinha a necessidade urgente de uma transição para métodos agrícolas mais resilientes e ecológicos. Os cientistas agrícolas estão a acelerar a investigação sobre variedades de culturas resistentes à seca e técnicas de irrigação inovadoras para ajudar os agricultores a adaptarem-se às mudanças nos padrões climáticos.

    Os governos de todo o mundo estão a lutar para implementar medidas de emergência para garantir o abastecimento alimentar e estabilizar os preços. Muitos países impuseram restrições à exportação de alimentos básicos, uma medida que os economistas alertam que poderá agravar ainda mais a escassez global e a volatilidade dos preços. Há apelos crescentes à cooperação internacional para gerir a crise, incluindo esforços coordenados para aumentar a produção nas regiões não afectadas e melhorar os sistemas globais de distribuição de alimentos.

    A crise alimentar tem também ramificações políticas significativas, com vários governos a enfrentarem agitação pública devido ao aumento dos preços dos alimentos e à escassez. Em alguns países, a inflação alimentar tornou-se uma questão central nas próximas eleições, com os partidos da oposição a criticarem as administrações em funções por não se terem preparado para perturbações agrícolas relacionadas com o clima. A situação veio realçar a complexa interacção entre as alterações climáticas, a segurança alimentar e a estabilidade política.

    À medida que o mundo se debate com esta crise em evolução, há um reconhecimento crescente da necessidade de mudanças sistémicas na produção e distribuição global de alimentos. Os especialistas sublinham a importância de diversificar as fontes alimentares, de investir numa agricultura resistente às alterações climáticas e de reforçar os mecanismos internacionais de ajuda alimentar e de resposta a crises. Os próximos meses serão cruciais para determinar se a comunidade global se pode unir para enfrentar este desafio e prevenir uma catástrofe humanitária generalizada.

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  • OpenAI debuts GPT-4o ‘omni’ model now powering ChatGPT

    OpenAI’s GPT-4o is the biggest GPT-4 update yet and it’s free

    chat gpt 4 release

    The new model brings with it improvements in writing, math, logical reasoning and coding, OpenAI claims, as well as a more up-to-date knowledge base. OpenAI has partnered with another news publisher in Europe, London’s Financial Times, that the company will be paying for content access. “Through the partnership, ChatGPT users will be able to see select attributed summaries, quotes and rich links to FT journalism in response to relevant queries,” the FT wrote in a press release. In a new partnership, OpenAI will get access to developer platform Stack Overflow’s API and will get feedback from developers to improve the performance of their AI models.

    Finding GPT-4’s mistakes with GPT-4 – OpenAI

    Finding GPT-4’s mistakes with GPT-4.

    Posted: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

    One of the most significant updates is the availability of multimodal capabilities, as mentioned previously. Moving forward, all users will be able to interact with ChatGPT using text, images, audio and video and to create custom GPTs — functionalities that were previously limited or unavailable. GPT-4 and GPT-4o — that’s the letter o, for omni — are advanced generative AI models that OpenAI developed for use within the ChatGPT interface.

    How Will ChatGPT-5 Be Different Than Previous Models?

    Apple announced at WWDC 2024 that it is bringing ChatGPT to Siri and other first-party apps and capabilities across its operating systems. The ChatGPT integrations, powered by GPT-4o, will arrive on iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and macOS Sequoia later this year, and will be free without the need to create a ChatGPT or OpenAI account. Features exclusive to paying ChatGPT users will also be available through Apple devices. An artist and hacker found a way to jailbreak ChatGPT ChatGPT to produce instructions for making powerful explosives, a request that the chatbot normally refuses. An explosives expert who reviewed the chatbot’s output told TechCrunch that the instructions could be used to make a detonatable product and was too sensitive to be released. The company says the app is an early version and is currently only available to ChatGPT Plus, Team, Enterprise, and Edu users with a “full experience” set to come later this year.

    OpenAI also might disclose geolocation data to third parties such as vendors and service providers, and to law enforcement agencies if required to do so by law. Gemini Advanced is part of the Google One AI Premium plan subscription service that costs $19.99 per month in the United States. In February 2024, Google rebranded Bard as Gemini when it debuted an improved version of the AI chatbot. For example, if you want to manage how many messages you send using GPT-4o you could start the chat with GPT-3.5, then select the sparkle icon at the end of the response. If you do have access then simply start chatting with GPT-4o in the same way you would with GPT-4. There are rate limits imposed and these are much lower on the free plan.

    We’ve rounded up all of the rumors, leaks, and speculation leading up to ChatGPT’s next major update. The rapid succession of these releases underscores Nvidia’s ambitious push into AI software development. It is also suggested that engineers at Microsoft, which is the company’s main deployment partner, are preparing to host the upcoming model on Azure sometime in November. OpenAI has revolutionized the world of AI by introducing one of the most comprehensive chatbots, ChatGPT. While it keeps on evolving its existing technology, the drive knows no bounds, for it has been working on an even more advanced AI model, namely Orion.

    There is a bit of a GenAI arms race going on now, with OpenAI and Google making updates to their models. Google has been especially aggressive, perhaps because ChatGPT came out first and Gemini must play catch-up. With each new version of the LLMs, Google and OpenAI make significant gains over their previous versions.

    It will feature a higher level of emotional intelligence, allowing for more

    empathic interactions with users. This could be useful in a range of settings, including customer service. GPT-5 will also display a significant improvement in the accuracy of how it searches for and retrieves information, making it a more reliable source for learning. OpenAI CTO Mira Murati opens the event with a discussion of making a product that is more easy to use “wherever you are”. Also launching a new model called GPT-4o that brings GPT-4-level intelligence to all users including those on the free version of ChatGPT. This is the first mainstream live event from OpenAI about new product updates.

    Comparison of ChatGPT vs. Gemini responses

    Within the ChatGPT web interface, GPT-4 must call on other OpenAI models, such as the image generator Dall-E or the speech recognition model Whisper, to process non-text input. All users on ChatGPT Free, Plus and Team plans received access to GPT-4o mini at launch, with ChatGPT Enterprise users expected to receive access shortly afterward. The new model supports text and vision, and although OpenAI has said it will eventually support other types of multimodal input, such as video and audio, there’s no clear timeline for that yet.

    chat gpt 4 release

    Both are advanced OpenAI models with vision and audio capabilities and the ability to recall information and analyze uploaded documents. Each has a 128,000-token context window and a knowledge cutoff date in late 2023 (October for GPT-4o, December for GPT-4). This accessibility makes advanced AI technology more readily available, allowing a broader range of companies to experiment with and implement advanced language models. April 25, 2023 – OpenAI added new ChatGPT data controls that allow users to choose which conversations OpenAI includes in training data for future GPT models.

    OpenAI Plans To Launch Its More Advanced AI Model ‘Orion’ By December, Which Is Said To Be 100 Times More Powerful Than GPT-4

    This would be the first defamation lawsuit against the text-generating service. OpenAI has said that individuals in “certain jurisdictions” (such as the EU) can object to the processing of their personal information by its AI models by filling out this form. This includes the ability to make requests for deletion of AI-generated references about you. Although OpenAI notes it may not grant every request since it must balance privacy requests against freedom of expression “in accordance with applicable laws”.

    This would benefit from live access taken through web scraping — similar to the way Google works. One suggestion I’ve seen floating around X and other platforms is the theory ChatGPT App that this could be the end of the knowledge cutoff problem. This is where AI models only have information up to the end of their training— usually 3-6 months before launch.

    • These voices are distinct from those offered for ChatGPT, and developers can’t use third party voices, in order to prevent copyright issues.
    • Another demo showed off GPT-4o giving a bedtime story with the prompt “robots and love.” Midway through the story, Mark stepped in and asked GPT-4o to adjust the emotion it used to speak.
    • Besides the updates to ChatGPT and Google Gemini, other companies are working on AI projects.
    • In practice, that could mean better contextual understanding, which in turn means responses that are more relevant to the question and the overall conversation.

    For example, it’s possible for one person to speak to GPT-4o in one language and a second person to speak to GPT-4o in a different language. GPT-4o will then repeat each phrase in the opposite language, allowing two people who don’t speak the same language to hold a conversation. It’s possible to get GPT-4o to speak in different tones of voice or in other different ways.

    Individuals and organizations will hopefully be able to better personalize the AI tool to improve how it performs for specific tasks. Smarter also means improvements to the architecture of neural networks behind ChatGPT. In turn, that means a tool able to more quickly and efficiently process data.

    One of the weirder rumors is that OpenAI might soon allow you to make calls within ChatGPT, or at least offer some degree of real-time communication from more than just text. But leaks are pointing to an AI-fuelled search engine coming from the company soon. CEO Sam Altman has said so himself, but that doesn’t mean there hasn’t already been a ton of speculation around this new version — reportedly set to debut by the end of the year.

    Unlike the release of OpenAI’s last two models, GPT-4o and o1, Orion won’t initially be released widely through ChatGPT. Instead, OpenAI is planning to grant access first to companies it works closely with in order for them to build their own products and features, according to a source familiar with the plan. It’s worth noting chat gpt 4 release that existing language models already cost a lot of money to train and operate. Whenever GPT-5 does release, you will likely need to pay for a ChatGPT Plus or Copilot Pro subscription to access it at all. The company states that GPT-4o will work similarly to GPT-4, but will work a lot faster than its older brother.

    • It includes everything in ChatGPT Plus but allows more messages during a defined time limit.
    • Sure enough, GPT-4o could change its voice depending on what was asked, from an overly dramatic performance to a cold, robotic tone.
    • If you are concerned about the moral and ethical problems, those are still being hotly debated.
    • This is the first mainstream live event from OpenAI about new product updates.

    You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. The GPT-5 should be able to analyse and interpret data generated by these other machines and incorporate it into user responses. It will also be able to learn from this with the aim of providing more customised answers. OpenAI has been releasing a series of product demo videos showing off the vision and voice capabilities of its impressive new GPT-4o model. During OpenAI’s event Google previewed a Gemini feature that leverages the camera to describe what’s going on in the frame and to offer spoken feedback in real time, just like what OpenAI showed off today.

    In May 2024, however, OpenAI supercharged the free version of its chatbot with GPT-4o. The upgrade gave users GPT-4 level intelligence, the ability to get responses from the web, analyze data, chat about photos and documents, use GPTs, and access the GPT Store and Voice Mode. After the upgrade, ChatGPT reclaimed its crown as the best AI chatbot.

    “We know that as these models get more and more complex, we want the experience of interaction to become more natural,” Murati said. “This is the first time that we are really making a huge step forward when it comes to the ease of use.” And in early June, expectations are that Apple will have much to say about AI at its own developer event, WWDC. The demo during OpenAI’s livestreamed GPT-4o launch featured a voice called Sky, which listeners and Scarlett Johansson both noted sounded strikingly similar to Johansson’s AI assistant character in the film Her. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman himself tweeted the single word “her” during the demo. Another source tells The Verge that engineers inside Microsoft — OpenAI’s main partner for deploying AI models — are preparing to host Orion on Azure as early as November.

    GPT-4o Voice will make talking to ChatGPT feel much more natural

    This follows other health-related research collaborations at OpenAI, including Moderna and Color Health. OpenAI CTO Mira Murati announced that she is leaving the company after more than six years. Hours after the announcement, OpenAI’s chief research officer, Bob McGrew, and a research VP, Barret Zoph, also left the company. CEO Sam Altman revealed the two latest resignations in a post on X, along with leadership transition plans. The startup announced it raised $6.6 billion in a funding round that values OpenAI at $157 billion post-money.

    Google discloses that it collects conversations, location, feedback and usage information. The Google Privacy Policy claims Google uses collected data to develop, provide, maintain and improve services, and to provide personal services such as content and ads. Customers can delete information from their account using My Google Activity, or by deleting Google products or their Google accounts. Because ChatGPT is text-based, it can’t include images, videos, charts or links in its answers.

    Aptly called ChatGPT Team, the new plan provides a dedicated workspace for teams of up to 149 people using ChatGPT as well as admin tools for team management. In addition to gaining access to GPT-4, GPT-4 with Vision and DALL-E3, ChatGPT Team lets teams build and share GPTs for their business needs. Users will also be banned from creating chatbots that impersonate candidates or government institutions, and from using OpenAI tools to misrepresent the voting process or otherwise discourage voting. “The signed out experience will benefit from the existing safety mitigations that are already built into the model, such as refusing to generate harmful content. The launch of GPT-4o has driven the company’s biggest-ever spike in revenue on mobile, despite the model being freely available on the web. Mobile users are being pushed to upgrade to its $19.99 monthly subscription, ChatGPT Plus, if they want to experiment with OpenAI’s most recent launch.

    Over a month after the announcement, Google began rolling out access to Bard first via a waitlist. The biggest perk of Gemini is that it has Google Search at its core and has the same feel as Google products. Therefore, if you are an avid Google user, Gemini might be the best AI chatbot for you. Users sometimes need to reword questions multiple times for ChatGPT to understand their intent. A bigger limitation is a lack of quality in responses, which can sometimes be plausible-sounding but are verbose or make no practical sense. A search engine indexes web pages on the internet to help users find information.

    chat gpt 4 release

    The updated model “is much faster” and improves “capabilities across text, vision, and audio,” OpenAI CTO Mira Murati said in a livestream announcement on Monday. It’ll be free for all users, and paid users will continue to “have up to five times the capacity limits” of free users, Murati added. ChatGPT is an AI chatbot with advanced natural language processing (NLP) that allows you to have human-like conversations to complete various tasks.

    ChatGPT offers many functions in addition to answering simple questions. ChatGPT can compose essays, have philosophical conversations, do math, and even code for you. GPT-5 is also expected to show higher levels of fairness and inclusion in the content it generates due to additional efforts put in by OpenAI to reduce biases in the language model. Compared to its predecessor, GPT-5 will have more advanced reasoning capabilities, meaning it will be able to analyse more complex data sets and perform more sophisticated problem-solving.

    GPT-4o mini: advancing cost-efficient intelligence – OpenAI

    GPT-4o mini: advancing cost-efficient intelligence.

    Posted: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

    It was a major breakthrough and other players like Google and Anthropic have only just started to match its capabilities this year. Judging by the graphs provided, the biggest jumps in capabilities are in mathematics and GPQA, or Graduate-Level Google-Proof Q&A – a benchmark based on multiple-choice questions in various scientific fields. OpenAI says ChatGPT will now be better at writing, math, logical reasoning, and coding – and it has the charts to prove it. The release is labeled with the date April 9, and it replaces the GPT-4 Turbo model that was pushed out on January 25. According to OpenAI’s privacy policy, it collects any personal information a user provides. This includes account information such as name, contact information, payment card information and transaction history.

    chat gpt 4 release

    Artifacts are designed to help users work more easily with what Anthropic describes as “significant and standalone content,” such as large documents, websites and code. The content in the Artifact is displayed in its own window next to the chat interface. For example, software developers might prefer AI coding tools, such as GitHub Copilot, which offer integrated development environment support. Similarly, for AI-augmented web search, specialized AI search engines, such as Perplexity, could be more efficient than a custom-built GPT.

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    Before making a final decision, consider the factors that are most important for your business, such accept crypto on website as security, compatibility with different cryptocurrencies, and transaction fees. By selecting the best crypto payment processor or gateway, you can ensure that your business is well-equipped to handle the evolving landscape of digital currency transactions. A Crypto Payment Processor is a service provider that enables businesses and individuals to accept and process cryptocurrency payments. It functions as an intermediary between the payer and the payee, facilitating secure and efficient transactions with digital currencies. A crypto payment gateway, like CoinGate, is a payment processor for cryptocurrencies.

    Accept Bitcoin. Lightning fast.⚡

    PayPal doesn’t charge a fee when you use the Checkout with Crypto feature, though it does charge a spread for buying and selling cryptocurrency through its Cryptocurrency hub. PayPal supports crypto payments in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and its own PayPal USD stablecoin. High transaction fees may make customers less excited about paying in crypto.

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    • We deliver timely updates, interesting insights, and exclusive promos to your inbox.
    • When businesses engage with cryptocurrency, liquidity and the speed of accessing funds often dictate the attractiveness of a payment gateway.
    • Some of the top digital currency payment processors include GoCoin, Cryptopay, and CoinGate.
    • The crypto community may be one of the most high-contrast sectors in existence, full of both starry-eyed idealists and ruthless scammers.
    • Each processor has distinct features that meet diverse business requirements and objectives.

    When a customer chooses to pay with crypto, the gateway prompts the user to choose their crypto wallet and log in to their account. The customer then chooses their preferred cryptocurrency and confirms the payment. Funds are automatically converted into US dollars without additional fees.

    With Pay, merchants are not charged transaction fees for accepting payments. The platform earns from trading, conversions, balance top-ups, and withdrawals. You can choose to withdraw your balance and send it to your bank or your own cryptocurrency wallet. Founded by PayPal’s co-founders, Circle emphasizes security while maintaining user-friendly features. While it offers a narrower selection of supported cryptocurrencies, Circle compensates with competitive transaction fees and a robust security infrastructure. Particularly notable for Bitcoin and Ethereum payments, the platform charges a 1% transaction fee.

    As a self-hosted solution, BTCPayServer is installed on your own server, providing you with unparalleled control over your funds and transaction data. Unlike third-party services, which require you to entrust your funds to them, BTCPayServer allows direct peer-to-peer transactions from the customer to the merchant. This ensures that you’re always in control of your funds and you’re not dependent on a third-party service to process your transactions. Running a business in the digital age, particularly one that operates online or globally, means dealing with a multitude of payment methods.

    The platform permits rapid transfers of funds to either your bank account or your cryptocurrency wallet, at daily or weekly intervals. This liquidity-enhancing feature provides businesses the immediacy they often require in volatile crypto markets. Another compelling attribute is its 100% acceptance rate for any business type, making it a universally applicable solution. With CoinsPaid, businesses can also manage multiple accounts effectively due to its extensive reporting system. The provider supports recurring payments and offers several payment methods, such as invoices and payment links, making it adaptable to different business models.

    A ready-to-use checkout optimized for customer conversions can be easily integrated with your e-commerce platform. Customize the page with your brand elements to maintain consistent branding. Accept multiple Bitcoin and USDT payments with payment links through on-chain or the lightning network. You can use these links to collect cross-border donations, crowdfunding & payments. Instant payouts are processed almost instantly within the time frame of 10 mins to 1 hour. You can payout your Bitcoins anytime, there are no public holiday or intermediary hindrances.

    It enables merchants to accept various cryptocurrencies as payment and converts these earnings to fiat currencies like Euros or U.S. This service facilitates the use of cryptocurrencies for transactions in a secure and efficient manner. One report found that one out of three US consumers own at least one cryptocurrency in 2023, and 13% hold crypto to use for making purchases. Merchants need to begin adopting this payment method to enjoy a share of the revenue. If you have a small business, several reliable crypto payment gateway solutions can help you start accepting cryptocurrency payments in no time.

    Unfortunately, it’s also a bit of a Wild West market with a “move fast, break things” credo. The lack of a regulatory framework has also made the sector a hot spot for fraud. For cryptocurrency gateways to be worthwhile, they need to offer merchants something they can’t get by simply doing a wallet-to-wallet trade. Be sure to check your country’s cryptocurrency regulations before setting up an account with a gateway.

    Future trends include the adoption of decentralized payment gateways, integration of smart contract technology, and the potential impact of central bank digital currencies on cryptocurrency transactions. It is important to carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of using crypto payment processors, and to take necessary precautions to minimize risk. This includes implementing robust security measures, staying up-to-date on relevant regulations, and providing clear communication and education to customers. When a customer initiates a cryptocurrency payment, the payment processor receives the payment information and verifies the authenticity of the transaction. If the transaction is valid, the payment processor converts the digital currency into the desired fiat currency and transfers the funds to the merchant’s account.

    Removing third parties from financial transactions is one of the fundamental tenets behind cryptocurrency. While this sounds great to those who embrace change and understand it, others might not accept it. Cryptocurrency is still a new concept, and it is hard to understand in a world where exchangeable value has always been placed on tangible assets.

    Today, insurance payment processing is characterised by slow processing times, operational inefficiencies and underinvestment. Challenges such as reliance on legacy systems, manual processes, and outdated tools are central to the issue. The insurance industry is transforming and payment processing is central to this change. Advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and automation have the potential to reshape how insurers process payments and handle transactions. Their inquiry found 422 Richards St. was listed as the registered address for at least 76 foreign currency dealers, eight MSBs, and six cryptocurrency exchanges. At that address is a three-story building that used to be a bank and now houses a massage therapy clinic and a co-working space.

    Supporting an impressive catalog of more than 100 cryptocurrencies, Coinify offers a versatile gateway solution. Its user-friendly setup and operation make it a favorite among businesses entering the world of cryptocurrency payments. Once you provide the necessary KYB documents, we’ll sign the agreement and assign a personal manager to help guide you through the integration process.

  • Aviator Game: Play Aviator Game for in India for Real Money

    Aviator Game: Play Aviator Game for in India for Real Money

    To understand, it’s advisable to read reviews on independent sites and forums. This allows you to gauge player satisfaction and identify any recurring issues. It’s important to understand that a licensed and regulated casino follows strict guidelines to guarantee fair play and safeguard player rights. When selecting a casino, it’s crucial to verify whether reputable authorities have licensed it.

    Let’s talk about some of the most attractive offers currently available. The auto bet feature simplifies repetitive betting by automatically placing your bet for you each round based on the amount you’ve set. Combine this with the auto cash-out option, where you preset a multiplier at which your bet will automatically cash out.

    Aviator earning strategy

    Understanding the importance of robust security is crucial as it safeguards your personal and financial information against unauthorized access. When choosing casinos, selecting ones that employ SSL encryption technology and maintaining transparent privacy policies is essential. The Aviator game deserves attention as a way to earn money and have a great time. Think of it as leveling up your skills, so when you’re ready for the real Aviator game, you’ll be a pro. It’s gaming without the worry, and it’s a great way to boost your confidence before diving into the real thing. It’s perfect for anyone, whether you’re a newbie getting the hang of things or a pro brushing up on skills.

    Gamblers and thrill-seekers are regularly interested in new online slots that provide an opportunity to earn money quickly and easily. Aviator is an exciting game, so gamblers are guaranteed adrenaline in the required amounts. The game Aviator was created in 2019 by the manufacturer of gaming software Spribe and almost immediately interested users. Transitioning from the Demo Aviator Game to the real deal introduces an exhilarating shift in the gaming experience.

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    • These recommendations will suit both beginners and experienced players looking to increase their winnings.
    • Every novice player needs good practice before gambling with real wagers.
    • Aviator bet uses a provably fair system, where players can verify the fairness of each round using the server seed and their own client seed.
    • Pin Up Casino is known for its reliability and offers a wide range of games, including the Aviator online game.

    A diverse game library is crucial for enhancing your gaming experience by providing a variety of options to explore. Each round’s coefficients are produced using the “Provably Fair” algorithm, which ensures complete transparency. I’m Eugene Vodolazkin, a passionate individual with a knack for gambling analysis, writing, and casino gaming.

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    Whatever gambling games you’ve played before, there’s a good chance that crash game Aviator will become your favorite diversion in the world of online casinos. The unique charm of the Aviator gambling game is highlighted by its engaging in-game chat feature. This allows players to connect, share tips, and discuss strategies, creating a vibrant community atmosphere. Additionally, the excitement is amped up with a leaderboard that displays the top winners and their earnings, injecting a competitive spirit among players. While these features might be found in other casino games, Aviator sets itself apart with its design that mirrors stock market dynamics. Aviator, introduced by Spribe in 2019, brought a wave of excitement to online casinos.

    So, check the terms and conditions before choosing an option. Some casinos may ask for additional verifications for security purposes. The developer has introduced a social element where one can interact with other players during the game. You don’t have to place real funds at stake and deal with the risk of losing them. As a result, the Aviator free bet mode is devoid of stress and ideal for beginners. You need to place your wager before initiating the Aviator plane’s takeoff.

    However, downloading the Aviator APK file and installing the game on your device is possible. If the player has done everything correctly, he wins the round, but if the aeroplane flies away, the player loses the amount of his bet. It may be noted that the process times and fees will vary from one method to another.

    The game’s result depends on the successful Withdrawal of funds. If the player withdraws the Money in time, he wins; if he does not withdraw the Money in time, he loses. In the case of victory, the amount of winnings is multiplied by the multiplier under the plane, which increases throughout the game. You will bet on a multiplier in this game that increases steadily.

    Options usually range from cards to e-wallets, bank transfers, and crypto. While Spribe Aviator is one of the most fun games, winning consistently can be challenging. The Aviator game is popular for being fair and easy to play. It uses a Provably Fair system, so you know it’s honest, this transparency builds trust and verifies the integrity of each round.

    Aviator game: odds and rules of success

    In addition to luck, you need strategic thinking and iron nerves. One of the key aspects of the Aviator game is its transparency. In this section, we will look at methods to check the fairness of the game. The Provably Fair technology allows you to independently check the unbiased rounds, eliminating manipulation and keeping the game fair.

    Use the flight history as a guide, but don’t let it dictate your entire strategy. The game’s interface is simple and intuitive, making it easily accessible to players of all levels. No specific prior knowledge or skills are required to play the Aviator game online, significantly lowering the entry barrier. The main goal of the Aviator game is to cash out your bet before the multiplier crashes. As the game begins, your multiplier starts climbing, increasing the potential return on your bet.

    You must always play responsibly to avoid the temptation of chasing losses. While these tools do not guarantee wins in the Aviator money game, they provide a statistical foundation that can improve your odds. Aviator-Demo offers risk-free gaming, allowing flexibility, easy access, skill improvement, and the thrill of gambling without real money consequences. To begin, look for the Aviator Demo mode in the gaming category of online casinos. It’s often categorized as a slot or arcade-style game in India.

    Quick reactions and proper cashout timings are essential for scoring winnings. Thus, play Aviator demo and see for yourself how your decision affects the risk and reward. Without a solid understanding of the gameplay, newcomers feel hesitant. But if you go for the Aviator game online demo first, you’ll grasp the game’s essence.

    For those who prefer a hands-off approach or wish to maintain a consistent strategy over multiple rounds, the Aviator game online has an Autoplay feature. 22Bet is a leading betting site that welcomes every kind of gambler, especially those who love the Aviator casino game. It is known for its modern layout and excellent customer service, bringing gambling to a whole new level.